Language of Service in Hindu Temples

मंगलवार, 6 नवंबर 2012

Language of Service in Hindu Temples
             Recently Canadian government released the census report about the languages spoken in Canada. According to this report Punjabi is the third largest language spoken in Canada after English and French.  In Canada about more than 4 times people speak Punjabi as compared to Hindi.
About 20 weekly Punjabi papers are published from Toronto, ignoring papers published from other cities in Canada. There is one daily Punjabi paper published from Toronto. Omni TV station broadcast Punjabi news from Monday to Friday.  Many more TV stations broadcast programs on Saturday or Sunday. From Friday midnight till Saturday midnight Vision television broadcast Punjabi programs non-stop for 24 hours. There is no TV station which broadcasts Hindi program on regular basis in Toronto, but there might be some programs which might broadcast programs in Hindi on weekends. There are not many radio stations which broadcast programs in Hindi while one can hear Punjabi programs for 24 hours on radio stations as one stations stops program other station starts its program in Punjabi.
There are 5 Hindi weekly papers in Toronto. No paper uses pure Hindi? Forget about pure Hindi there are not many Hindi words in Hindi papers as all advertisements are in English in all Hindi papers. Hindi papers give all advertisements, information and "Thank You" comments only in English.  Have a look
"WE WOULD LIKE TO THANK OUR VALUED READERS AND ADVERTISERS" If the Hindi papers published from Canada or other cities of North America are to thank their Hindi readers in English then one wonders what is the need of having Hindi paper. Why don't they publish their papers in English? People who do not know Hindi will hardly pick up Hindi paper. For whom and with what purpose these Hindi papers convey their messages to their readers in English. Hindi papers have readers due to Hindi knowing people, then do readers deserve or need to be thanked in English? No Punjabi/ Chinese/ Japanese paper will say "Thank You" in English. Even temples give advertisements about service hours and other activities in English in Hindi papers. Temples have got the names of their temples like Adhyatmik Kendra, Shri Siddhi Vinayak, but spread English ignoring Hindi by giving all kinds of information in English.
 In fact most of the Hindi papers published from Toronto are just more than sheets of advertising sheets.
All kinds of Hindi media use lots of Urdu and English words in Hindi and all kinds of Hindi papers fill many pages with filmy gossip rather than giving political news and analysis of national political and economic news. Hindi films do not write Hindi anywhere. Even name of Hindi film is not written in Hindi, then why Hindi films are promoted by Hindi media?  People should stop watching Hindi films as no where Hindi is written at all in Hindi films and moreover there is no Hindi in Hindi films as language of Hindi films is full of Urdu and English words.
Canada being a multi-lingual country there are people from many other countries of the world. Media people never analyse why Canadian government do not provide services in Hindi while services are provided in many other languages.  In many Canadian schools Punjabi is being taught as third language which is a credit course.
Hindi is not the National language of Bhaarat. Some people wanted to make Hindi as one of the official language of UNO. Then those people were told that as Hindi is not the national language of Bhaarat, it cannot be made the official language of UNO.
Even Supreme Court of Bhaarat has said that Hindi is not the national language of Bhaarat. It is just the official language for correspondence amongst states and with Centre.
Who is responsible that Hindi has not become the national language of Bhaarat.

           There are thousands courses for foreign languages in Canadian colleges and Universities but nowhere Hindi is taught, while Punjabi is taught at many places, Why is it so? There are several reasons for the Durdasha of Hindi. No wonder, the Akbars, Babers, Tippus, Queen Victoria and King George became the masters and the Hindus consider themselves their slaves and still maintain that tradition of worshiping foreigners as the rightful rulers of Hindu-India.
Language of Service in Hindu Temples
                     There is one Ram mandir in Toronto in such a locality where lots of people of Bhaaratiya origin live. Here service is similar as is conducted in other temples, but in that temple all the service was conducted in English. Most of the leaflets in temples are only in English. Muslims or Sikhs would never conduct their services in English at their religious places.
         As the area where temple is situated is mostly inhabited by Hindus who came from Bhaarat, in such case there is no need of service in English. On inquiry the priest said that there are some people from West Indies and they want service in English, moreover all the audience are comfortable with service in English. In some places where West Indies people have made a temple and mostly West Indies people visit those temples, even in those temples service is conducted in both English and Hindi.
            By providing service in English in Hindu temple for Bhaaratiya audience, are not the temple authorities forcing the coming generation of Hindu people to learn only English and ignoring Hindi. Moreover below all the Murtis, name of Bhagwaan was written in English only, while only on the donation boxes both Hindi and English was written saying "please put the donation in this donation box".   Why it is when donation is needed, then Hindi is needed, otherwise there is no place for Hindi in some temples.
            For the Mandirs who conduct their Services in English
From: "Madhusudan H Jhaveri" <>
(१) क्या वें आरति भी अंग्रेज़ी में करते हैं?
२) भजन भी अंग्रेज़ी में करते हैं?
(३) कीर्तन भी अंग्रेज़ी में करते हैं?
(३) पुजारी/या पुरोहित को यह बताओ, कि अंग्रेज़ी में सब कुछ करने से कल तुम्हारी छुट्टी भी हो जा सकती है। अंग्रेज़ी में संचालन करने वाले मिल जाएंगे।
(४) दूसरा--वेस्ट इन्डिज़ वाले भी रामयण तो तुलसीदास की ही पढते हैं। पूजा भी करते हैं।
(क)अंग्रेज़ी तामसिक भाषा है। सभी (X)गुणों वाली पुस्तकें,चलचित्र, उसीमें उपलब्ध होते हैं।
(ख)जब विपदाएं आएंगी तो भगवान से याचना,प्रार्थना हिन्दी/संस्कृत में ही कर पाओगे।
(ग) आज प्रमाणित हो चुका है, कि संस्कृत मे ॐ कार, गायत्री मंत्र, श्लोक इत्यादि आपका
रोम रोम परिमार्जित कर शुद्ध सात्विक भाव जगा देता है।ध्यान लगाया जा सकता है।
(घ) तीन-चार विश्व विद्यालयों ने प्रयोग करके प्रमाणित किया है।

संस्कृत आध्यात्मिक, हिन्दी सात्विक-राष्ट्रीय, और अंग्रेज़ी दैहिक-भौतिक-तामसिक भाषा है।
(च) मन्दिर उसको कहते हैं, जिसमें मन्त्र बोले जाते हो, और मन्त्र की एक व्य़ाख्या है, मनः त्रायते इति मन्त्रः। (जो मन को शुद्ध करके उसे सुरक्षित बचाकर रखे वह मन्त्र है।

यह फिसलन है।
(१)एक ही पीढी में हम आज अंग्रेज़ी में चले जाएंगे।
फिर लोग कहेंगे कि, चर्च भी तो अंग्रेज़ी में ही चलता है। और सारे धर्म समान ही तो है, (जो मूर्खों की भाँति हम ही कहते रहते हैं)। तो फिर चर्च ही बना दो ना?
(२) आप सुझाव दीजिए कि वेस्ट इन्डिज़ वालों को --(कुछ स्वयंसेवी शिक्षक, ढूंढिए) हिन्दी सिखाएंगे।
एक पंथ दो काज। मन्दिर में ही हिन्दी कक्षा चलवाइए।
(३)बिना देव नागरी सीखे-- सीधी (संस्कृत)बोलने की शिक्षा जब दस दिनमें(२ घंटे प्रतिदिन) संस्कृत भारती करवाती है।
(४) उसी पद्धति से मैं आपको हिन्दी का भी पाठ्यक्रम उपलब्ध करवा सकता हूँ।
मन्दिर में हिन्दी जैसा बालक घरमें सुन सुन कर, बिना लिखे सीखता है, ठीक वैसे।
यहुदियों ने पचासो देश से ज्यू लोगों को लाकर हिब्रू में इज़राएल खडा किया। चीनियों को कमसे कम ८ वर्ष प्राथमिक चीनी सीखने में लगते हैं।
कल हमारे बच्चे -कहना-ओम बुर्बुवा स्व्हा टट सविटुर्वन्यम बर्गो डेवस्य ढीमही ढियो यो न प्रचोडयाट ---करवाना चाहते हो क्या?
उनको उलटा पूछो कि आप स्थितप्रज्ञ, धर्म, अर्थ, काम, मोक्ष,ध्यान, धारणा, समाधी इत्यादिका अंग्रेज़ी क्या करोगे?

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प्रकाशित सभी सामग्री के विषय में किसी भी कार्यवाही हेतु संचालक का सीधा उत्तरदायित्त्व नही है अपितु लेखक उत्तरदायी है। आलेख की विषयवस्तु से संचालक की सहमति/सम्मति अनिवार्य नहीं है। कोई भी अश्लील, अनैतिक, असामाजिक,राष्ट्रविरोधी तथा असंवैधानिक सामग्री यदि प्रकाशित करी जाती है तो वह प्रकाशन के 24 घंटे के भीतर हटा दी जाएगी व लेखक सदस्यता समाप्त कर दी जाएगी। यदि आगंतुक कोई आपत्तिजनक सामग्री पाते हैं तो तत्काल संचालक को सूचित करें - अथवा आप हमें ऊपर दिए गये ब्लॉग के पते पर भी ई-मेल कर सकते हैं।
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