एक और तरीका...

सोमवार, 4 मई 2009


to Mohan
show details 6:52 PM (0 minutes ago)

I keep reading your series...Must say, that such articles are the need of the day..
I have written just recently,one article yesterday & one today, regarding our recent elections & the irresponsible behavior of the "non"voters..
Started a debate kind of a thing on "bhadaas" blog as well..People have not taken my scathing criticism in the right spirit...but anyways..I too took, another stance & asked them to come out with positive suggestions as way of reforms, instead of sitting & cursing the politicians....I will be grateful if you find time read those...as well as my articlebased on the Indian Evidence Act, column 25/27,under the caption," Gazab Qanoon".
When you say" hang such traitors in public", are you aware of the laws that bind our internal security agencies? And the lack of co-ordination between the police & the judiciary? Please, please go through my articles..! We are heading for another terror attack, if we don't wake up to the realities of the Indian judiciary & the demarcation between the jurisdiction of the judiciary & the law enforcing agencies...! Read the recommendations of "Dr. Dharamveer National Police commission", 1981, & the contempt of court, that too of the supreme court? The supreme court had asked for immediate implementation of those reforms, and all the governments, ever since, are guilty of the contempt of supreme court!
Anyone who would submit a PIL regarding this? The easiest way to make ALL the govts,ever since then, to sit up & take cognizance..?
ever so grateful
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मै माफी चाहती हूँ, की ये जवाब सिर्फ़ कॉपी,पेस्ट किया। रूपेशजी, क्या एपी अनुवाद करके मेरा काम आसन कर सकते हैं? या मैही करूँ? मैंने ये बात अपने blogpe, "ललितलेख", 'गज़ब कानून"के तहेत हिन्दीमे लिखी है। इंडियन एविडेंस एक्ट दफा, २५/२७। बेहद ज़रूरी है,की, भारतकी जनता ऐसे कानूनों से परिचित हो...

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